About me
I am Patrick Stevens, a software engineer based in London, England.

I completed my BA+MMath at the University of Cambridge.
Social media accounts:
- Github.
- Hacker News.
- Email.
- LinkedIn (used almost never).
- Twitter (used almost never). My handle is @smaug12345.
I am very interested in maths and puzzle-solving. For instance:
- I have one of the top twenty answers on the Maths StackExchange by upvotes.
- On Hacker.org, I am laz0r, one of the top 50 users, although I have run out of low-hanging fruit on that site and I haven’t returned to it for a while.
- For three years running, I have participated in-person in the MIT Mystery Hunt, solving with Team Palindrome; if interested, see captain’s write-up from 2019 and from 2020. In 2021, we won.
- I have solved
of Project Euler problems.
- F#: this is my day job.
- Mathematica (recreationally); it’s a lovely Lisp-ish thing. At one point, I was very active on the Mathematica StackExchange.
- Python: better-than-code-monkey experience. The open-source Sextant and Endroid are in Python; I contributed to both of these in my dim and distant past.
- C#: my day job interacts moderately frequently with C# code.
- Delphi: the language I learned first.
- Agda: I’m playing around with this one at the moment.
I have an interest in rationality, philosophy, lifehacking, and the links between these. I like to play around with words and constrained writing (such as poetry).